As professional intuitive Tanya Carroll Richardson previously explained to mbg, “Angel numbers are a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence—divine guidance from angels and the universe,” and when they show up, we’re meant to pay attention. The meanings of different digits vary and are often related to how big or small the number is. The number 1 (aka the first single digit), for example, typically indicates a beginning, while the number 9 (the last single digit) often relates to endings or finalities. The key to understanding angel numbers is to get clear on what was happening—or what you were thinking about—when you notice them. As Richardson notes, you might notice the clock at 1:11 as you were thinking about expanding your business, for instance, which would be a positive sign that your angels support that idea. The number 5, meanwhile, represents change. Firester tells mbg that seeing it serves as a reminder that change is the only guarantee, so we may as well be flexible. “Change is inevitable, and the number 5 asks you to make your inner peace a priority, as that is the only place you have control over when the world around you shifts and moves,” she explains. According to Firester, seeing 1515 in the context of a twin flame partnership can be a reminder to use all the new ideas and insights coming in to your advantage—in all areas of your life, not just the romantic connections you’re experiencing. “Twin flame partnerships come with amazing change, dynamic emotional fluctuations, and creative insight. In them, you can grow spiritually very fast,” Firester notes, adding, “Seeing this number is a huge reminder to not let all this precious wisdom go to waste, to write it down, and use it in other contexts of your life as well.”

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