Try this yoga sequence specifically designed for strengthening your legs, and improving mobility. Modifications are provided. Benefits: Triangle Pose stretches the adductors of front and back legs. Benefits: This intense pose stretches and lengthens the shin, calves, hamstrings and glutes. Benefits: Uttanasana stretches the Achilles, calves, hamstrings and glutes. Benefits: Dancer’s Pose stretches the hamstrings of the front leg and the quads and hip flexors of back leg. Benefits: This slightly modified Down Dog stretches the Achilles, calves, hamstrings and glutes. Benefits: Standing Split stretches the entire back of the grounded leg out nice and long, as well as the hip flexor, inner groins and adductors of the elevated leg. Benefits: Hero Pose stretches the quads, shins, tops of the feet and the soft tissue around the knees. Tip: The farther away the front heel is from the opposite hip, the deeper the stretch Benefits: Pigeon Pose stretches the abductors of front leg, the IT band, the quads and hip flexors, the shin and the top of the foot of the back leg. Benefits: This modified version of full Hanumanasana will stretch the Achilles, calves hamstrings and glutes of front leg. Benefits: Hanumanasana stretches the Achilles, calves hamstrings and glutes of front leg, and the hip flexor, quad, shin, and the top of the foot of back leg.