Just because you’re at work all day doesn’t mean you can’t stay slim and fit. You just need to implement some simple lifestyle and work habit changes. So here’s my personal recipe for staying in shape while working in an office: If you’re stressed, try breathing exercises or meditation. Spending time with loved ones, reading a book, listening to music, and cooking something nutritious can help you unwind. Skip the TV if you’ve been sitting at a desk all day. Margo Gladys, CHC, is a health and beauty coach based in New York, whose specialty is helping women attain beauty and confidence from within. Her unique approach in working with clients is based on the notion that looks depend on the inside rather than the outside and no amount of cosmetics and external procedures work if a person doesn’t eat right, live well, and cherish their body. Margo offers one-on-one consultations, as well as personally designed holistic programs for weight loss and management, skin enhancement and overall health improvement. Sessions are conducted in person, via Skype or over the phone.

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